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How to set the env['SERVER_NAME'] in rack/test?

In Sinatra tests, env['SERVER_NAME'] defaults to How can I set this to some arbitrary domain?

Capybara has .default_host method, but not using Capybara.

Or, is it possible to change the env[DEFAULT_HOST]?

Using RSpec, Sinatra, WebMock.

EDIT: Adding env['SERVER_NAME'] = '' to RSpec test raises exception:

NameError: undefined local variable or method 'env' for #<RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::Nested_1::Nested_1:0x007fe6ce3b5ff8>


  • The env helper is only accessible within a Sinatra app.

    One way to change it is when making a request:

    get "/blah", {}, {'HTTP_SERVER_NAME' => '' }

    The 3rd argument of a rack/test get or post is the headers hash.