I downloaded the ADT Bundle and now cannot run sqlite
from the tools
red-planet@desktop:~/Adt-bundle/sdk/tools$ ls
adb_has_moved.txt ddms emulator64-mips etc1tool lint proguard templates
android dmtracedump emulator64-x86 hierarchyviewer mksdcard source.properties traceview
ant draw9patch emulator-arm hprof-conv monitor sqlite3 uiautomatorviewer
apkbuilder emulator emulator-mips jobb monkeyrunner support zipalign
apps emulator64-arm emulator-x86 lib NOTICE.txt systrace
red-planet@desktop:~/Adt-bundle/sdk/tools$ sqlite3
bash: /home/red-planet/Adt-bundle/sdk/tools/sqlite3: No such file or directory
The solution.
I found the solution. I am working on 64-bit Ubuntu and had to make 64-bit applications work on the 64-bit operating system.
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs