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Neural network activation

From this site,

The output node has a "threshold" t.


If summed input ≥ t, then it "fires" (output y = 1). 
Else (summed input < t) it doesn't fire (output y = 0).

How y equals to zero. Any Ideas appreciated.


  • Neural networks have a so called "activation function", it's usually some form of a sigmoid-like function to map the inputs into separate outputs.

    For you it happens to be either 0 or 1 and using a comparison instead of a sigmoid function, so your activation curve will be even sharper than the graph above. In the said graph, your t, the threshold, is 0 on the X axis.

    So as pseudo code :

    sum = w1 * I1 + w2 + I2 + ... + wn * In

    sum is the weighted sum of all in the inputs the neuron, now all you have to do is compare that sum to t, the threshold :

    if sum >= t then y = 1      // Your neuron is activated
    else y = 0    

    You can use the last neuron's output as the networks output to predict something into 1/0, true/false etc.

    If you're studying NNs, I'd suggest you start with the XOR problem, then it will all make sense.