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Looking for File Traversal Functions in Python that are Like Java's

In Java you can do File.listFiles() and receive all of the files in a directory. You can then easily recurse through directory trees.

Is there an analogous way to do this in Python?


  • Yes, there is. The Python way is even better.

    There are three possibilities:

    1) Like File.listFiles():

    Python has the function os.listdir(path). It works like the Java method.

    2) pathname pattern expansion with glob:

    The module glob contains functions to list files on the file system using Unix shell like pattern, e.g.

    files = glob.glob('/usr/joe/*.gif')

    3) File Traversal with walk:

    Really nice is the os.walk function of Python.

    The walk method returns a generation function that recursively list all directories and files below a given starting path.

    An Example:

    import os
    from os.path import join
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk('/usr'):
       print "Current directory", root
       print "Sub directories", dirs
       print "Files", files
    You can even on the fly remove directories from "dirs" to avoid walking to that dir: if "joe" in dirs: dirs.remove("joe") to avoid walking into directories called "joe".

    listdir and walk are documented here. glob is documented here.