I am working on an Android app that uses Jsoup. Early on in development, I "worked around" having to implement any kind of threading because I just wanted to get the bulk of the code completed before tackling threading. I am now attempting to use AsyncTask, but I am still getting the NetworkOnMainThreadException error. I have read plenty of tutorials and SO posts on AsyncTask, but still can seem to identify the problem. When I add the StrictMode... code, the app works as desired except for the UI lockup when loading the data using Jsoup. If anyone could show me what I am doing wrong pertaining to AsyncTask, I would appreciate it. (P.S. I know there is plenty of code redundancy to be cleaned up, but I want to get AsyncTask working first)
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
/***This is the work around used***/
StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build();
up = new TreeMap<Double, String[]>();
c1 = "example.com/1";
//instansiate textviews (6)
doc1 = doc;
c2 = "example.com/2";
//instansiate textviews (6)
doc2 = doc;
c3 = "example.com/3";
//instansiate textviews (6)
doc3 = doc;
// instansiate textviews(16)
new Download().execute(c1,c2,c3);
private class Download extends AsyncTask<String, Integer, String[][]> {
protected String[][] doInBackground(String... urls){
out = new String[7][3];
try {
doc = Jsoup.connect(urls[0]).data().get();
//days, times, and cs arrays created and filled
String[] out1arr = {days[0], times[0], cs[0]};
//...all 7
String[] out7arr = {days[6], times[6], cs[6]};
String[][] outarrs = {out1arr,out2arr,out3arr,out4arr,out5arr,out6arr,out7arr};
for (int i= 0; i < out.length; i++){
out[i] = outarrs[i];
} catch (IOException e1) {
return (out);
protected void onProgressUpdate(Integer... progress){
protected void onPostExecute(String[][] result){
Do(/*textviews(6)*/, c1, a, outa, "example1"); //a is previously instantiated double array, outa is preiously instantiated string array
Do(/*textviews(6)*/, c2, b, outb, "example2");
Do(/*textviews(6)*/, c3, c, outc, "example3");
//setText for all 16
private void Do(TextView t, TextView u, TextView v, TextView w, TextView x, TextView y,String webpage, double[] darr, String[] sarr, String show){
//...all 6
for (int i =0; i < darr.length; i++){
darr[i] = tis[i];
up.put(darr[i], out[i]);
private ArrayList<String[]> getMap(){
return s;
private String[][] getUpc(){
return upc;
The framework calls doInBackground
you should not call it yourself. Your code makes a call from onPostExecute
which is called by the framework on the UI thread. So effectively your calls run on the UI thread.
Move your fetching logic all into the doInBackgound
method. The onPostExecute
method should be used to deliver the results to the caller.