So recently I had to reorganize my tab bar and remove one the tabs for a view controller that I still need to access at the end of the app. I am using NSNotifications which triggers a method in the app delegate which basically switches the tab [self.myTabBar setSelectedIndex:REC_TAB];
Worked like a charm. Now that I can no longer select the tab, I'm finding I'm having trouble pushing/popping/presenting a view controller from the app delegate.
I'm new to this so any help would be appreciated.
There's no reason that you have to do it from the app delegate -- you can if you want to, but there's no need. From any view controller, you can access the window's root view controller with self.view.window.rootViewController, and change it to whatever you want. Another way is to just present a modal view controller with presentViewController:animated: from any view controller.