I have an executable file that can be used from the terminal command line.
$ foo "bar"
which returns a single line of text
I would like to be able to call this function while editing files.
I can see that I can do the following
M-! ~/Library/yolo/bin/foo "bar"
and I get exactly what I am looking for.
So I am trying to write a function that I can then bind to keys. But I am stumped.
(setq foobar-path "~/Library/yolo/bin/foo ")
(defun foo-bar (func)
(shell-command (concat foobar-path func)))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-p") foo-bar)
but I know (emacs is telling me) that I am way way off.
What I would ideally end up with is a keybinding that can send a line of code (like evaluate last expression) to the external function and display the return at the bottom of the screen in the message bar.
Any hints?
Your code has two issues:
form.In particular, if you want to pass in the func
argument from the minibuffer, you could do this:
(setq foobar-path "~/Library/yolo/bin/foo ")
(defun foo-bar (func)
(interactive "sEnter func: ")
(shell-command (concat foobar-path func)))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-p") 'foo-bar)