I was looking to check out the experimental backup/restore feature of the app-engine datastore, so I followed the instructions and enabled "Datastore Administration" as explained in the link.
After doing so, instead of seeing the Datastore administration controls in the dashboard I am getting a "This webpage is not available" on chrome and "Server not found" on Firefox.
I understand this is experimental but still any help from the app-engine team would be appreciated in terms of what's going on with this feature :)
UPDATE: I tried this on another app (with an empty datastore) and the Datastore Administration page comes up normally.
A few things to check:
Are you using the new high availability datastore? The docs don't specify but it's likely this experimental feature is not compatible with the deprecated master/slave datastore.
If your app is using Java, you have to deploy a non-default Python app to use the backup/restore feature (search for "a note for java developers" on the page).
How large is your datastore? It may take awhile to enable the feature on very large datastores.
How long is your app's name? The error you are seeing is DNS related. The Datastore Admin feature seems to make a request to:
ah-builtin-python-bundle-dot-latest-dot-[YOUR APP NAME].appspot.com
at one point. Due to the length of that subdomain name, if your app name is longer than roughly 23 characters, you'll get a DNS error because DNS is limited to 63 characters per domain section:
In my limited testing, I was able to get to a longer domain name by adding the ah-builtin-python-bundle... domain name directly to my system's etc/host file: