I have two models in my CakePHP application: NewsArticle
and Image
. Image
is associated with NewsArticle
using a HABTM (has and belongs to many) association, so authors can build up a gallery for an article if they wish.
On my application’s homepage I want to display the top story, which will simply be the latest published article with at least one associated image. How would I form this condition in my controller? So far, I have:
$topStory = $this->NewsArticle->find('first', array(
'order' => array(
'NewsArticle.created' => 'desc'
But I am unsure how to “count” the number of Image
records attached to my NewsArticle
If you must use HABTM, you'll need to do a JOIN (see CakePHP Joins).
The reason is, normal find()
s actually do separate queries, then CakePHP puts the data together before it returns it to you. If you're trying to limit the main results by the existence of sub-results, you'll need to use a JOIN.
If you're able to get away with HasMany instead (meaning an Image
would belongTo
a NewsArticle
), you can use CakePHP's counterCache.