I'm writing an Android app and I want to capture the receipt data from some shopping websites/apps.
Here's the functionality I am trying to achieve -
On a regular desktop/chrome laptop this data can be captured using Chrome Extensions and running Javascript against the page that scrapes the data from the receipt. It could also be done using raw packet capturing and analysis (although this is alot more difficult and inefficient).
But Chrome Extensions do not currently work on mobile devices. And I don't think raw packet capture is possible on mobile devices. And then some of the shopping will be done through apps as opposed to websites. I also need to capture the receipt data from these apps. But I have no experience with app development so I have no idea what this entails.
So I am looking to capture receipt data when a user makes a purchase through on a mobile through a website, and if possible capture the purchases made through dedicated apps. Is what I am looking to do actually impossible or does anyone know a way of achieving this?
You could capture request and respond via software like Fiddler (http://www.fiddler2.com/). It acts like a proxy server, so all you have to do is updating proxy/network settings in mobile device.