I am trying to implement push notification in my android app using c2dm sever.I have used gmail account that is synced in my mobile which is not a Role account(not register with c2dm http://code.google.com/android/c2dm/signup.html). and i used curl command
curl --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=your_authenticationid"
"https://android.apis.google.com/c2dm/send" -d registration_id=your_registration
-d "data.payload=payload" -d collapse_key=0
to send the message. but i got response which says Unauthorized as
<H2>Error 401</H2>
Note i have sign up my android app with another Gmail id like somthing@gmail.com?? should i use somthing@gmail.com to request registration id?
Any of gmail account can be used.It is not necessary that gmail id synced in android mobile should be used for role account.