I am working on a project i have used uploadify control for file uploading,i have to set file size limit to 5MB, i've seen its documentation Here
I tried setting 5MB but still when i am selecting file around 3MB it is showing file size error I also tried setting value without any unit (ie 5120) but in that case its also showing file size error when i select even of file 3MB size
Here's my code
var sizelimit = '5MB'; //or '5120'
'uploader': ResourceUplodify.Uploader,
'script': ResourceUplodify.ScriptFile,
'cancelImg': ResourceUplodify.CancelImg,
'folder': ResourceUplodify.Folder,
'fileDesc': 'Document Files',
'buttonImg': '../../Content/images/Attach-File.jpg',
'fileExt': '*.pdf;*.doc;*.ppt;*.odt;*.rtf;*.txt',
// 'sizeLimit': 10485760,
'sizeLimit': sizelimit,
'height': 29,
'width': 90,
'buttonText': 'Attach File',
'multi': false,
'auto': false,
'onSelect': function (a, b, c, d, e) {
'onComplete': function (a, b, c, d, e) {
// if (d != '1') {
'onError': function () {
I also want to work with session with uploadify,they have shown PHP code for working with session but i dont know how to work with session in C#(using uploadify offcourse)
Working with Session in Uploadify
How can i access value of formdata in MVC3(C# code)
The default request size limit in ASP.NET is 4MB.
Make sure you have increased the default value of the request size in your web.config using the <httpRuntime>
element if you want to allow files larger than 4MB to be uploaded:
<!-- 5MD (value is in KB here) -->
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="5120" />
and also if you are hosting on IIS7 you need to set the maxAllowedContentLength
to the same value (in bytes):
<!-- 5MB (value is in bytes here) -->
<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="5242880" />
As far as the sessions are concerned, you may find the following post