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Random Decision Forest implementation with C#

Hi I'm trying to use ALGLIB to calculate rdf. Unfortunately each of my training samples have more variables than two. I should use the function below but my training data has 7 variables. I think implementation of ALGLIB is implemented for just 2 variables. How can I achive to use it for 7 variabled training samples ?

public static void alglib.dfbuildrandomdecisionforestx1(
double[,] xy,
int npoints,
int nvars,
int nclasses,
int ntrees,
int nrndvars,
double r,
out int info,
out decisionforest df,
out dfreport rep)

Thanks in advance. I'm not insisting on using ALGLIB if there is another library which is proper for my training set and has implementation of random decision forest I can use it.


  • You should put all your training samples into two dimensional array of size [npoints, nvars+1] where npoints = number of training examples, nvars = number of variables(7 in your case) and the last column(+1) is for class label.

    More information on parameteres you can find near the function definition.

    For more information on dataset format read this -> dataset format