I have couple of dropdownlist controls, that shares the same dataprovider(same reference).
I had overridden the set dataprovider method for a sort function.(code below). The issue is that, when I set this shared dataprovider to a new dropdownlist, all the existing dropdown contorls sharing the dataprvider gets unselected(loses its previously selected values).
override public function set dataProvider(value:IList):void{
if(value is ArrayCollection){
var sort:Sort=new Sort();
var sortField:SortField = new SortField();
There are a ton of isues sharing the dataProvider between components. We've run into this with a lot of clients using our AutoCompleteComboBox.
You can easily use the same source, but a different--separate--collection for each of your dataProviders.
var dataProvider1 :ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(someArray);
var dataProvider2 :ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(someArray);
var dataProvider3 :ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(someArray);
Each collection is just a wrapper around the base source. Sorting one will not affect any of the others, leaving your other ComboBoxes or DropDownLists untouched.