I'm having a pb with print Jobs for shared printer
I' have a printer shared on win server 2008
And I'm using this printer from windows 7 client machine
I'm developping an application that writes all printer notifications for all print Jobs
And for only one job in the print queue, i'm receiving the notification of two job with two different JobID and two différent machine name.
My question is why Two Jobs are created for only one job sent to the print Queue? and why they are so different? the virtual job have the machine name of le client and the real job have the machine name of print server
As per my understanding, FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification generates a notification when an application on the client machine fires a job, and is added to the client spooler queue. When the client spooler queue forwards the print job to the print server, another notification is generated. You can try using PRINTER_CHANGE_SERVER instead of PRINTER_CHANGE_ALL, and see if still 2 notifications are generated.