While running the status command I get the following error:-
Am using rabbitmq as the messaging broker
I am following this blog
sudo /etc/init.d/celeryd status
Error: No nodes replied within time constraint
How can I Debug this error?
I have also checked this question. The answer there did not help.
django/celery - celery status: Error: No nodes replied within time constraint
After checking the logs of celery beat I found the following error
celerybeat raised exception <class 'gdbm.error'>: error(13, 'Permission denied')
Perhaps this is caused by celery not having write permissions for the celerybeat-schedule
file. The docs you linked to show celery configured to use /var/run/celerybeat-schedule
as the celery beat schedule file.
Does your process have write permissions to that file? If that directory is owned by root
(as it should be) and your process is running as anything other than the root
user, that could cause the permission denied errors.
Check that your permissions are correct and then try deleting that file then restarting everything.