In Visual Studio when we want to consume a web service, we simply add Service Reference, then simply copy and paste web service address to address field and click Go !
With help of Visual Studio IDE (or svcutil.exe ) we simply can use generated proxy classes for web service.
something like:
TopUpServiceClient client = new TopUpServiceClient();
TopUpRequest request = new TopUpRequest();
request.MerchantId = 100;
request.ReferenceId = 1001;
request.ServiceType = ServiceType.Prepaid;
TopUpResponse response = client.TopUp(request);
We Have a Customer that want to use our service with php, but he have lots of problems with creating and working with Soap Objects and Parsing WSDL and Data Contract Objects.
I have test his php scripts and debug it with fiddler, The Envelope that passed to our system is totally incorrect. ( he use SoapClient and NuSoap with no Luck !)
By the way, my question : Is There any Web Service Proxy Generator like what we have in Visual Studio In PHP World? Any IDE? PhpStorm, NetBeans, Eclips? Or any tools that can help us?
I want to send him some thing like our generated proxy environment, that he can use it easily!
Finally I found it. A simple,tiny,useful Soap Proxy Generator.
"Soap Proxy" developed by "Przemek Berezowski"
you can download it from here.
There are some other tools and script out there, but this little thing help me a lot!