I am trying to create a link using HAML which looks like the this
=link_to("Last updated on<%=@last_data.date_from.month %>",'/member/abc/def?month={Time.now.month}&range=xyz&year={Time.now.year}')
It is not taking the Ruby code and it is displaying that as a string
Last updated on<%=@last_data.date_from.month %>
and in the URL as well it is not taking the function Time.now.month
or Time.now.year
How do I pass Ruby code in URL and in the string ?
You should probably use something like this:
= link_to("Last updated on #{@last_data.date_from.month}", "/member/abc/def?month=#{Time.now.month}&range=xyz&year=#{Time.now.year}")
Note that in the second string, it's necessary to change the '
to "
. Also if the link text is getting long, you can use something like this:
= link_to("/member/abc/def?month=#{Time.now.month}&range=xyz&year=#{Time.now.year}") do
Last updated on #{@last_data.date_from.month}