I'm writing my own drivers for LPC2148 and a question came to mind. How do I receive a message of unspecified size in UART?
The only 2 things that come to mind are: 1 - Configure a watchdog and end the receiving when the time runs out. 2- make it so that whenever a meswsage is sent to it there must be an end of message character.
The first choice seems better in my opinion, but I'd like to know if anybody has a better answer, and I know there must be.
Thank you very much
It looks like a wrong use for a watchdog. I ended up with three solutions for this problem:
The third approach is probably the best one. You may combine it with the first one, i.e. use DMA to receive header and then data (in the second transaction, after the data size is known from the header). It is also one of the most flexible approaches.
One more thing to worry about is to keep bytestream in sync. There may be rubbish laying in the UART input buffers, which may get read as data, or you can get only a part of a packet after your MCU is powered (i.e. the beginning of the packet had already been sent by that time). To avoid that, you can add magic bytes in your packet header, and probably CRC.
OK, one more option :) Just store everything you receive in a growing buffer for later use. That is basically what PC drivers do.