Using the Haxe programming language, is there any cross-platform way to read a PNG image, and get the pixel data from the image?
I have a file called stuff.png, and I want to obtain an array of RGB values from the image (as an integer array).
Here's an example usage of the Haxe format library to read a PNG file. You need -lib format
in your compiler args / build.hxml:
function readPixels(file:String):{data:Bytes, width:Int, height:Int} {
var handle =, true);
var d = new format.png.Reader(handle).read();
var hdr = format.png.Tools.getHeader(d);
var ret = {
return ret;
Here's an example of how to get ARGB pixel data from the above:
public static function main() {
if (Sys.args().length == 0) {
trace('usage: PNGReader <filename>');
var filename = Sys.args()[0];
var pixels = readPixels(filename);
for (y in 0...pixels.height) {
for (x in 0...pixels.width) {
var p =*(x+y*pixels.width));
// ARGB, each 0-255
var a:Int = p>>>24;
var r:Int = (p>>>16)&0xff;
var g:Int = (p>>>8)&0xff;
var b:Int = (p)&0xff;
// Or, AARRGGBB in hex:
var hex:String = StringTools.hex(p,8);
trace('${ x },${ y }: ${ a },${ r },${ g },${ b } - ${ StringTools.hex(p,8) }');