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How to Add a Simple Bar Graph to the Bottom of a ListView Item in Android?

I am using a custom XML layout listview_goal_item.xml to represent how I want my ListView items to appear. This XML layout is fed to the adapter as such:

cursor_adapter_goals = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this,
            matrix_cursor_goals, listview_fields, listview_columns);

Everything works great, I can easily understand how to display all the information in listview_fields (the string array for my values) and listview_columns (the string array for the target widgets in my custom ListView layout) because there's a direct fixed relationship between these items.

I would like to display a fixed "progress" bar graph for each goal item in the ListView. This bar graph would be a simple visual representation of where the user is based on the percentage they've achieved their goal, 75% would mean the bar graph would take up 3/4's of the ListView's width, 50% 1/2 the width, etc. This is where I am confused.

How should I approach this? Should I create some kind of dynamic 9 patch image? Should I create a simple table with a row that sizes dynamically with a contrasting color on a black table background?

If you could push me in the right direction, both programmatically and in the required XML, I would be much appreciative!


  • Add a ProgressBar to the bottom of your item layout, here is one that I use to have as the entire background of a list view item (as an element of a FrameLayout, the other element being a layout with the rest of the list item, TextViews etc):

            android:progressDrawable="@drawable/progress_timer" />

    Change the layout_* etc according to your needs.

    Notice the drawable used. The drawable referenced is just a layer-list with items with the needed id's for the progressbar drawable. Also please notice that the background is set to transparent:

    <layer-list xmlns:android="" >
    <item android:id="@android:id/secondaryProgress">
            android:scaleWidth="100%" />
    <item android:id="@android:id/progress">
            android:scaleWidth="100%" />

    In your code you just treat this like any ProgressBar:

    ProgressBar progressBar = (ProgressBar) convertView.findViewById(;

    When updating:

    progressBar.setMax(100); //100 for example for percent
    progressBar.setProgress(20); //20% done