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Problems to load VennDiagram package for R version 2.13.0

I want use the VennDiagram package to correlate three different variables. But in R (version 2.13.0) the package is unavailable. I tried to install it from CRAN and generates this warning:

Installing package(s) into ‘/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.13/Resources/library’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
Warning in install.packages :
package ‘VennDiagram’ is not available (for R version 2.13.0)

Also, I tried to use venneuler but in this case I did not show the labels of the different areas, this is the result:

Venn diagram of different ncRNAs shared between three different species

Some suggestions?


  • The CRAN page of VennDiagram shows that the package needs at least R 2.14 to work. There are three solutions I can think of:

    • Update R, R 2.13 is old.
    • Download the source of VennDiagram and edit the DESCRIPTION file. Replace the requirement of R 2.14 by an R version lower than the one you have, and install the package from source (R CMD INSTALL from the command line). This will only work if the package does not use any features that are only available in R 2.14 and above.
    • Go to the archive of the package on CRAN and download a version of the package compatible with R 2.13 (thanks Dirk).