I want to pass arguments and execute local batch script from swf. I am using fscommand from which i can call the batch file but i cannot send the arguments. I searched the net a lot and come with some solution.
Flash Studio and some more
but i need some free or cheap solution. Paying more than $300 for using one feature doesn't make sense to me.
I hope you are trying to do this in air, not in browser.
In that case you can include extendedDesktop
profile support in your app descriptor file like this:
And then you can launch your batch file like that:
protected function launchBatchWithParam(batchFileName:String, arguments:Array):void{
var params:NativeProcessStartupInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo();
params.arguments = new <String>['/C',File.applicationDirectory.nativePath+'/'+batchFileName];
for each(var arg:String in arguments){
var cmdFile:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath('C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe');
params.executable = cmdFile;
var process:NativeProcess = new NativeProcess();
You have to launch your bat with the help of cmd.exe
as .bat
files are forbidden because of questionable security concerns of adobe's folks.