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How to exclude Webresource.axd from firing my custom HttpModules

I've been searching around all day on the web but found nothing. In my web.config I set:

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="false">


<add name="MyModule" type="" preCondition="managedHandler" />

And this is preventing MyModule (hooked to PostAuthenticateRequest in this example) from being fired on static resources like images, css, js and so on. But the module is still fired by .axd files inside the page, in particular it's fired from WebResource.axd


  • I added this check in my HttpModule and it works:

                ' Skip the module for non aspx requests like .axd or url without default document
         Private Sub Application_PostAuthenticateRequest(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
            Dim request = DirectCast(source, HttpApplication).Request
            If request.CurrentExecutionFilePathExtension.ToLower <> ".aspx" Then
                Exit Sub
            End If

    This is hooked to PostAuthenticateRequest. If you hook to other events, like for example OnEndRequest, beware you have access to HttpContext and not HttpApplication so add this instead:

      Protected Overridable Sub OnEndRequest(context As HttpContext)          
      ' Skip the module for non aspx requests like .axd or url without default document
            Dim request = context.Request
            If request.CurrentExecutionFilePathExtension.ToLower <> ".aspx" Then
                Exit Sub
            End If

    Also note that when calling an URL without document, like for example IIS triggers a request to (or whatever def document you set). So even if your page is empty you will trigger 2 requests. IIS Site states that "For default document requests, the first request is to an extensionless URL. Therefore, IIS does not run any managed modules that are marked with a precondition of managed Handler during initial request processing." But that's not true. Even with my HttpModule marked with attribute precondition="managedHandler" with a request like it still gets triggered two times (one for / and one for /Default.asp). Anyway with the workaround posted here above you solve this as well.