I am using a custom camera. When I click on start record button a 'ding!' sound appears which is builtin. This results in this sound being recorded within the first second of the record.
overlay_start_button.hidden = TRUE;
overlay_stop_button.hidden = FALSE;
overlay_rec_label.hidden = FALSE;
overlay_cancel_button.hidden = TRUE;
overlay_rotate_camera_button.hidden = TRUE;
[image_picker startVideoCapture];
Is there a possibility to suppress this sound?
If you want to see my full code here it is http://pastie.org/5579182.
Some countries have legislation, which requires mobile phones to make a sound, when recording starts. It's part of the operating system and you cannot disable or replace it.
An example is, when you try to record a phone call with or without permission of the other party. There is a sound effect at the start of the recording on purpose to notify the other party that a recording of the phone call has started.
I guess it's the same thing with video recording.