I'm using OpenMCL on Darwin, and I'd like to do something like:
(loop for f in (directory "somedir")
collect (some-per-file-processing f))
But I can't get directory
to return anything other than NIL
, and I can't seem to find any good explanation online (other than "its different for each system").
Any pointers?
Does your pathname specification contain a wildcard? Common Lisp's pathname stuff is somewhat hard to grasp at first - at least for me it was... As the CLHS states on the directory
If the pathspec is not wild, the resulting list will contain either zero or one elements.
In order to have your pathname include a wildcard, you might try the make-pathname function, like
(directory (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute "srv" "hunchentoot") :name :wild :type "lisp"))
Or even
(directory (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute "srv" "hunchentoot") :name :wild :type :wild))
I found the CL-FAD library a great help for dealing with pathnames and the file system. In particular, its list-directory
function might be easier to use than the plain standard directory