I'm writing a chat over UDP. I faced a problem with a blocking function ReceiveFrom(), when I tried to go from Console Application to Windows Forms. When I try to create a form, and click a button for the listening incoming packets with ReceiveFrom() it's just blocks the program. I'm writing something like this:
private void Listen_button_click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ReceiveFrom(buf, ref clientEP);
data = buf.ToData(); //convert from bytes to string.
packet = new Packet(acknowlegment);//acknowledgment that packet was received.
ack = packet.ToStream();
SendTo(ack, clientEP);//send ack, so client knows everything is ok.
I know that I could use TCP, and life would be much more easier, but it's my task to do this way. And I know that I could use non-blocking BeginReceiveFrom(), but I want to know if it is possible somehow to listen in WF using blocking function.
I found out that the problem of blocking functions and UI is solved by using async and await keywords. Following example shows the solution:
private async void Listen_button_click(object sender, EventArgs e)
while (true)
await Task.Run(() =>
buf = new byte[1024];
int rcv = clientSock.ReceiveFrom(buf, ref servEP);
msg = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buf, 0, rcv);
this.dialogTextBox.Text += rcv;
this.dialogTextBox.Text += string.Format("server: {0}, rcv: {1}",
msg, rcv) + Environment.NewLine;
for (int i = 0; i < buf.Length; i++)
this.dialogTextBox.Text += buf[i].ToString();
buf = new byte[1024];