How do I truncate the file length in Prolog?
I only find a set_stream_position/2
predicate in the ISO
standard. But I don't find a set_stream_length/2
in the major Prolog systems.
Similarly there is a stream property position/1
, but I
don't see nowhere a length/1
stream property. The latter
would help in using set_stream_length/2
What would be the workaround?
I think I got it !
see this page...
edit after @false comment, here a sketch of encapsulating code:
set_file_size(Path, Size) :-
open(Path, update, S),
( stream_property(S, reposition(true)),
% stream_property(S, position(Q)),
% set_stream_position(S, Q),
seek(S, Size, bof, Size),
This works, but relies on seek/4 builtin. I can't fully determine the status of such call WRT ISO compliance. It's listed under ISO IO, but untagged as compliant...
Those 2 commented lines served to me to inspect the opaque term position/1. There is a stream_position_data to inquiry the values.