I am using ob_get_contents() to create a html file from php file. On development machine sometimes it works but on the test machine it did not work.
//some html content
file_put_contents('./pdfreportresult.html', ob_get_contents());
require_once (APP_DIR . 'assessment/wkhtmltopdf/snappy-master/src/autoload.php');
use Knp\Snappy\Pdf;
$snappy = new Pdf(APP_DIR . 'assessment/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf.exe');
header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="report.pdf"');
echo $snappy->getOutput(APP_DIR . 'assessment/pdfreportresult.html');
I checked test machine's php.ini for output_buffering and it is "On" like on development machine. When i checked my created html file "pdfreportresult.html" it is empty or half-content is exist.
Maybe issue can related with buffer size and i tried ob_clean() instead of ob_end_clean() still not working.
Start the buffer before you start outputting content. Also, clean the buffer once you're done with it.
//some html content
file_put_contents('./pdfreportresult.html', ob_get_contents());