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Why do we specify the interface for the service?

I'm currently learning the WSDL 2.0 specification and examining the example provided by

  <interface  name = "reservationInterface" >
    . . .

  <binding name="reservationSOAPBinding" 
        . . . >
    . . .

  <service name="reservationService" 

     <endpoint name="reservationEndpoint" 
               address =""/>


Here you can see that in service declaration we have to specify interface attribute, though it was already specified in the binding declaration. So having binding name - we could resolve the interface name it implements. From my point of view (the person who doesn't know the specification yet) - it's just a data duplication.

The question: what is the interface in service specified for? Is there any practical reason for that?


  • I'm not very familiar with the WSDL 2.0 specification (WSDL 1.1 is still the de facto way of describing web services) but I think this is actually backwards. The <service> needs the interface attribute while the one on the <binding> is optional. (emphasis mine):

    A WSDL 2.0 service specifies a single interface that the service will support, and a list of endpoint locations where that service can be accessed. Each endpoint must also reference a previously defined binding to indicate what protocols and transmission formats are to be used at that endpoint. A service is only permitted to have one interface. (emphasis mine):

    A binding can either be reusable (applicable to any interface) or non-reusable (specified for a particular interface). [...] To define a reusable binding, the binding element simply omits the interface attribute and omits specifying any operation-specific and fault-specific binding details. Endpoints can later refer to a reusable binding in the same manner as for a non-reusable binding. Thus, a reusable binding becomes associated with a particular interface when it is referenced from an endpoint, because an endpoint is part of a service, and the service specifies a particular interface that it implements.

    As I understand it, you need the interface on the <service> to specify which interface is being implemented, while the interface on the <binding> limits it's usage to that interface only. It seems kinda redundant when both are specified but they are used for different things.