I'm writing now a program to study MPI. Okay, I'd write a program that multiplies square matrices.
long **multiplyMatrices(long **matrix1, long **matrix2, long capacity)
long **resultMatrix = new long*[capacity];
for (long i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) {
resultMatrix[i] = new long[capacity];
for (long i = 0, j, k; i < capacity; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < capacity; ++j) {
resultMatrix[i][j] = 0;
for (k = 0; k < capacity; ++k) {
resultMatrix[i][j] = resultMatrix[i][j] + matrix1[i][k] * matrix2[k][j];
return resultMatrix;
Where capacity == 1000
Okay, on localhost (Mac Mini 2012, Core i7, OS X 10.8.2) I compile this code in XCode with LLVM. Calculation takes 17 seconds. Yes, in one thread.
On remote host (Sun OS 5.11, dual-core CPU, 8 vCPU) I compile it with
g++ -I/usr/openmpi/ompi-1.5/include -I/usr/openmpi/ompi-1.5/include/openmpi -O2 main.cpp -R/opt/mx/lib -R/usr/openmpi/ompi-1.5/lib -L/usr/openmpi/ompi-1.5/lib -lmpi -lopen-rte -lopen-pal -lnsl -lrt -lm -ldl -lsocket -o main
or just
g++ -O2 main.cpp -o main
But... mpirun main
takes 152 seconds to calculate this... What's wrong? Am I missing something? Is that's about server's CPU's architecture?
The main answer is in memory management.
Look at those lines
long **resultMatrix = new long*[capacity];
for (long i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) {
resultMatrix[i] = new long[capacity];
All lines are located in different places of memory, not as a whole block. We know how physical memory are presented on Mac Mini — 2 pieces of plastic, but on server it may be even different hosts (cluster).
Now we'll try to fix this.
long **allocateMatrix(long capacity)
// Allocating a vector of pointers to rows
long **matrix = (long **)malloc(capacity * sizeof(long *));
// Allocating a matrix as a whole block
matrix[0] = (long *)malloc(capacity * capacity * sizeof(long));
// Initializing a vector of pointers with rows of addresses
long *lineAddress = matrix[0];
for(long i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) {
matrix[i] = lineAddress;
lineAddress += capacity;
return matrix;
void deallocateMatrix(long **matrix, long capacity)
This boosts code running on Mac Mini to 9.8 seconds, on server — to 58 seconds.
But I still don't know where are other time leaks. Maybe I should somehow optimize looping one of matrices.