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How to install lxml.etree directly to web2py modules?

I have a working setup of lxml.etree working on my windows desktop.

Since I wanted to move this to my server, instead of installing lxml in sitepackages, I wanted to install it inside the modules directly, so this lxml version is specific to this applicaion/site.

I copied my lxml directory directly under modules on the linux server, and I got this error :

No module named etree

So it seems it understood there is an lxml, package but couldn't see etree inside it. Any ideas ? Also, I couldn't find exactly where I can download the binaries for ubuntu 9.10 on the site :


  • You can't just copy the Windows version over to a Linux server; lxml uses C extensions which need to be compiled for the target platform.

    The etree module is such a compiled extension, on Linux that'd be, while on Windows it would be a etree.dll file instead, for example.

    For Ubuntu, look for python-lxml, or install the dependencies libxml2-dev, libxslt1-dev and python-dev, plus python-pip, then use sudo pip install lxml to install lxml on your server.