Does anybody know how to set the title to the form viewer when showing an XtraReport document? The scenario is the following:
I have an XtraReport report configured, I show it calling the ShowPreviewDialog method, a viewer form opens and shows the document. I need to set the title to this viewer form and can't find the property or way to accomplish this.
Thanks in advance.
I don't believe that the preview form used by the XtraReport object is exposed in such a way that you could simply set the title. However, it is possible to create your own preview form. That would give you ultimate control over how your preview is displayed. Unfortunately, using that approach requires you to invoke the preview differently. You would no longer call myReport.ShowPreviewDialog(). In the example, the report is a private member of the preview form that is created in the form's load event. But I would pass a reference to an existing report object into the form before it loads so you can re-use one print preview form.