I have three arrays & i like to convert it in one multidimensional array.
$array1=array('Kathy', 'Adam', 'Jenny');
$array3=array(2, 5, 8);
$mix['name']=array_values( $array1);
$mix['profession']=array_values( $array2);
$mix['SL']=array_values( $array3);
& from those arrays i can get below output:
[name] => Array
[0] => Kathy
[1] => Adam
[2] => Jenny
[profession] => Array
[0] => student
[1] => teacher
[2] => driver
[SL] => Array
[0] => 2
[1] => 5
[2] => 8
Now i would like to get below output from above... anybody please help me how to do this ?
[name] => Kathy
[profession] =>student
[SL] => 2
[name] => Adam
[profession] =>teacher
[SL] => 5
[name] => Jenny
[profession] =>driver
[SL] => 8
Use this:
$array1=array('Kathy', 'Adam', 'Jenny');
$array3=array(2, 5, 8);
Use this if all of array has same size.