Disclaimer: I'm not a mathematical genius, nor do I have any experience with writing neural networks. So, please, forgive whatever idiotic things I happen to say here. ;)
I've always read about neural networks being used for machine learning, but while experimenting with writing simple virtual machines, I began to wonder if they could be applied in another way.
Specifically, can a virtual machine be created as a neural network? If so, how would it work (feel free to use an abstract description here, if you have to)?
I've heard of the Joycean Machine, but I can't find any information other than very, very vague explanations.
EDIT: What I'm looking for here is an explanation of exactly how a neural network-based VM would interpret assembly. How would inputs be handled, etc? Would each individual input be a memory address? Let's brainstorm!
You really made my day buddy...
Since an already trained neural network won't be much different than a regular state machine, there is no point writing a neural network VM for a deterministic instruction set.
It might be interesting to train such a VM with multiple instruction sets or an unknown set. However, I doubt it will be practical to execute such a training and even a %99 correct interpreter will be of any use for conventional bytecode.
The only use of a neural network VM I can think of is executing a program that contains fuzzy logic constructs or AI algorithm heuristics.
Some silly stack machine example to demonstrate the idea:
push [x1]
push [y1] ;start coord
push [x2]
push [y2] ;end coord
pushmap [map] ;some struct
stepastar ;push the next step of A* heuristics to accumulator and update the map
pop ;do sth with is and pop
stepastar ;next step again
... ;stack top is a map
reward ;we liked the coordinate. reinforce the heuristic
... ;stack top is a map
punish ;we didn't like the next coordinate. try something different
There is no explict heuristic here. Just assume we keep all state in *map including the heuristic algorithm.
You see it looks silly and not completely context sensitive but a neural network is of no value if it doesn't learn online.