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Development resources for Mono on PS3

I have been considering taking the plunge and installing Linux on my Playstation 3. As C# is my current language of choice, the next logical step would be to install Mono.

I have done a little research and found that has instruction on installing Ubuntu and links to download an ISO containing a PS3 specific version of Ubuntu. There is also this cool project at that has developed some code to utilize the 6 additional SPU cores of the CPU, not just the general-purpose one that you have access to by default.

The problem is that the project documentation seems a little thin. Has anyone set up a PS3 to develop .NET code? If so, what problems did you encounter? Does anyone have any code samples of how to even partially load up one of these monster processors?


I do realize that basic .NET/Mono programming will come into play here. The part I am fuzzy on is what sort of data structures do you pass to a specialty core? If I am reading this right, the 6 SPU cores have 128 registers at 128 bits each. I haven't seen any discussion on how to go about coding effectively for this.

Update 2:

IBM has announced that further development on the Cell processor has been cancelled. While this pretty much kills any desire I might have to develop on the platform, hopefully someone else might add some useful info.


  • Just found this posting from Miguel de Icaza's blog. Promising that as recently as Feb 2008 he was looking into this. As he is a member of the SO community now, I hope he can shed some further light on the topic.