I've devexpress XtraGrid populated with data using linq/LinqInstantFeedbackSource. The XtraGrid has a checkEdit repository bind with a column named Status from a table. The data elements in Status column are bits (0 or 1). However, for some unknown reason, the checkEdit could not be selected - i.e. I can't check/uncheck it. What could be the possible reason??
The reason is that the LinqInstantFeedbackSource is a read-only data source.
As far as I can see you are using the anonymous type as result. Objects of the anonymous type have only read-only properties. It's impossible to modify them. That's why there are no editing in XtraGrid. If you need to obtain a collection of editable objects, don't use anonymous types.
You can use this code, for example:
var tcs=
from tc in dc.TC
join dpt in dc.Departments on tc.DeptID equals dpt.DeptID
where tc.isReturned.Equals(0)
select new EditableObject {
DeptName=dpt.deptName + " - " + dpt.roomNo,
IsReturned= tc.isReturned
where EditableObject
public class EditableObject{
public string MRN { get; set; }
public string DeptName { get; set; }
public bool IsReturned { get; set; }