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Integration blueimp fileupload in ckeditor

Is it possible to integrate Blueimp FileUpload ( ) with the editor CkEditor ( )???

Any hints?

Thank you so much!


  • At the end I found the solution by myself:

    In the file index.php of blueimp fileupload I've edited the table adding the following lines first the </tr> command:

            <div class="btn scegli" id="chooseThis" >
                <span class="url" style="display: none">"{%=file.url%}"</span>

    At the end of this file, after the jquery inclusion:

    <script type="text/javascript">
      $(".chooseThis").live("click", function (e) {

    I've developed a simple plugin to use in CKeditor:

        init: function (editor) {
            editor.addCommand( 'OpenDialog',new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'OpenDialog' ) );
                    label: 'Upload images',
                    command: 'OpenDialog',
                    icon: CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath('fileUpload') + 'icon.gif'
            editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element ){
                return { 'My Dialog' : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
            CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'OpenDialog', function( api ){
                var dialogDefinition =
                    title : 'Gestisci immagini',
                    minWidth : 700,
                    minHeight : 500,
                    contents : [
                                expand : true,
                                padding : 0,
                                elements :
                                        type : 'html',
                                        html : ' <iframe src="../../includes/fileUpload/index.php" style="width:100%;height:490px" />'
                    buttons : []
                return dialogDefinition;
            } );

    To add the button to the toolbar it's necessary modify also the config.js. The name of the button is: "FileUpload"

    Then I have function to create the CKeditor:

        var editor, html = '';
        function createEditor() {
                    if ( editor ) return;
                    var config = {};
                    editor = CKEDITOR.replace("editor", 
                            extraPlugins : 'fileUpload',

    And this is the function that manage the trigger:

                function triggerUploadImages(url){
                    if(editor ){ 
                        editor.insertHtml('<img src='+url+' />');