My problem is that the webpage that I do is in complete PHP files. Everywhere there is tutorial how to generate, but there is no instructions what to do when it is a PHP file.
The main file is also index.php. When I insert the code that is generated in HTML.
Comes with a lot of errors, so I convert it to PHP.
it will start like
echo "..bla bla" "\n" ;
echo "<div property=\"gr:legalName\" content=\"G & Sziladi\"></div>\n";
which is good already, google recognize it, BUT this will show on the top of my page.How can i insert this markup into index.php without showing,but also google has to recognize it properly.
If you prefer to copy and paste HTML, the paste it into a PHP file but outside of the PHP tags:
* May brand new PHP Website
$title_prefix = '- Escaping the Tags';
<title>Supersite Deluxe <?php echo $title_prefix; ?></title>
That is especially useful if you have to a lot of HTML, because you can just paste it in.