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Derby Embedded with SPACE in the database path

I use derby embedded in a desktop app. But when there is a space in the database path (in any level of directories) the derby driver fails to connect to the database.

Regards, :)


public static final String connectionUrl = "jdbc:derby:[path]database;user=app;password=pass;";
String path = Utils.getPathOfJar();
String dbPath = connectionUrl.replace("[path]", path);
dbConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(dbPath);


  • First of all this problem only occurs in Linux.

    The path to the database should be set in the system properties like this:


    like this:

    String path = Utils.getPathOfJar();    
    path = path.jarFilePath.replaceAll("%20", "\\ ");
    System.setProperty("derby.system.home", path);
    public static final String connectionUrl = "jdbc:derby:database;user=app;password=pass;";
    dbConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl);