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RS-DBI driver warning: (unrecognized MySQL field type 7 in column 1 imported as character)

I'm trying to run a simple query that works with MySQL or other MySQL connector API's,

SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE type = 'farmer'

I've tried various methods using the RMySQL package and they all get the same error RS-DBI driver warning: (unrecognized MySQL field type 7 in column 1 imported as character)

Type = 'farmer'
(Query<-paste0("SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE type = '%",Type,"%'")) 
res<-dbGetQuery(con, Query)

Query<-paste("SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE type = \'farmer\'")

Query<-paste("SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE type = 'farmer'")

What am I doing wrong?


  • Looks like the db schema has something in column which is of type 7 -- and that type appears to be unknown to the RMySQL driver.

    I try to exclude column one in the query, or cast it at the select * ... level eg via something like

     select foo as character, bar, bim, bom from 'table' where ...