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Making a Read instance in Haskell

I have a data type

data Time = Time {hour :: Int,
                  minute :: Int

for which i have defined the instance of Show as being

instance Show Time where
  show (Time hour minute) = (if hour > 10
                             then (show hour)
                             else ("0" ++ show hour))
                            ++ ":" ++
                            (if minute > 10
                             then (show minute)
                             else ("0" ++ show minute))

which prints out times in a format of 07:09.

Now, there should be symmetry between Show and Read, so after reading (but not truly (i think) understanding) this and this, and reading the documentation, i have come up with the following code:

instance Read Time where
  readsPrec _ input =
    let hourPart = takeWhile (/= ':')
        minutePart = tail . dropWhile (/= ':')
    in (\str -> [(newTime
                  (read (hourPart str) :: Int)
                  (read (minutePart str) :: Int), "")]) input

This works, but the "" part makes it seem wrong. So my question ends up being:

Can anyone explain to me the correct way to implement Read to parse "07:09" into newTime 7 9 and/or show me?


  • I'll use isDigit and keep your definition of Time.

    import Data.Char (isDigit)
    data Time = Time {hour :: Int,
                      minute :: Int

    You used but didn't define newTime, so I wrote one myself so my code compiles!

    newTime :: Int -> Int -> Time
    newTime h m | between 0 23 h && between 0 59 m = Time h m
                | otherwise = error "newTime: hours must be in range 0-23 and minutes 0-59"
         where between low high val = low <= val && val <= high

    Firstly, your show instance is a little wrong because show $ Time 10 10 gives "010:010"

    instance Show Time where
      show (Time hour minute) = (if hour > 9       -- oops
                                 then (show hour)
                                 else ("0" ++ show hour))
                                ++ ":" ++
                                (if minute > 9     -- oops
                                 then (show minute)
                                 else ("0" ++ show minute))

    Let's have a look at readsPrec:

    *Main> :i readsPrec
    class Read a where
      readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS a
        -- Defined in GHC.Read
    *Main> :i ReadS
    type ReadS a = String -> [(a, String)]
        -- Defined in Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP

    That's a parser - it should return the unmatched remaining string instead of just "", so you're right that the "" is wrong:

    *Main> read "03:22" :: Time
    *Main> read "[23:34,23:12,03:22]" :: [Time]
    *** Exception: no parse

    It can't parse it because you threw away the ,23:12,03:22] in the first read.

    Let's refactor that a bit to eat the input as we go along:

    instance Read Time where
      readsPrec _ input =
        let (hours,rest1) = span isDigit input
            hour = read hours :: Int
            (c:rest2) = rest1
            (mins,rest3) = splitAt 2 rest2
            minute = read mins :: Int
          if c==':' && all isDigit mins && length mins == 2 then -- it looks valid
             [(newTime hour minute,rest3)]
           else []                      -- don't give any parse if it was invalid

    Gives for example

    Main> read "[23:34,23:12,03:22]" :: [Time]
    *Main> read "34:76" :: Time
    *** Exception: no parse

    It does, however, allow "3:45" and interprets it as "03:45". I'm not sure that's a good idea, so perhaps we could add another test length hours == 2.

    I'm going off all this split and span stuff if we're doing it this way, so maybe I'd prefer:

    instance Read Time where
      readsPrec _ (h1:h2:':':m1:m2:therest) =
        let hour   = read [h1,h2] :: Int  -- lazily doesn't get evaluated unless valid
            minute = read [m1,m2] :: Int
          if all isDigit [h1,h2,m1,m2] then -- it looks valid
             [(newTime hour minute,therest)]
           else []                      -- don't give any parse if it was invalid
      readsPrec _ _ = []                -- don't give any parse if it was invalid

    Which actually seems cleaner and simpler to me.

    This time it doesn't allow "3:45":

    *Main> read "3:40" :: Time
    *** Exception: no parse
    *Main> read "03:40" :: Time
    *Main> read "[03:40,02:10]" :: [Time]