I am using rmagick to deal with getting a each single pixel of a bitmap. I need to get the values of colors in depth of 8 (256 colors), but unfortunately when i use pixel.[color] (pixel. red for example), i am getting them in depth of 16. It is happening even after i used image.quantize(256).
Here is the code:
require 'RMagick'
include Magick
image = ImageList.new("image.bmp")
image3 = image.quantize(number_colors = 256)
puts image3.number_colors
image2 = Image.new(image.columns, image.rows)
(0..image.columns).each do |x|
(0..image.rows).each do |y|
pixel = image3.pixel_color(x, y)
print pixel.red
print ", "
print pixel.green
print ", "
print pixel.blue
print "\n"
image2.pixel_color(x, y, pixel)
What should I to get just values of 0..255?
They are stored in a 'quantum depth' of 16-bits. You can rebuild the library to change this. Or you can simply divide each value by 257.
There's a function called MagickExportImagePixels which can get you the 8-bit pixel data that you want. Whenever you perform a transformation etc on an image it will get converted back to 16-bit pixels.