I am working on an application that need to login with facebook
. This is the first time when i am integrating Fb API in my application. I have start from Getting Started with the Facebook SDK for Android & successfully get fb access_token
There are three Activitie
in my application & what i need to manage is to have logged in user's Profile Image & name on all these Activities
when user successfully get login using facebook.
I know, i can query fb GraphAPI
& get complete profile data of current logged-in user using access_token. I succeed to get profile data of user by using valid access_token
I need the profile image of login user as well(which need user's fb_id
Is it possible to get user's profile image using access_token
Finally, after a long search, i got the way to access login user's image by using only access_token
thanks to @Jess for your valuable answer!