I am using rails 3.2 and thinking_sphinx gem and have following code in my model:
#encoding: utf-8
class Feedback < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :feedback_type
FEEDBACK_TYPE = { 1 => "found cheaper", 2 => "complaints", 3 => "wishes",
4 => "other" }
define_index do
indexes feedback_type
has created_at, updated_at
set_property delta: true
and in my feedback_controller I have:
@feedbacks = Feedback.search(params[:search], page: params[:page],
per_page: 10,
sort_mode: :extended)
feedback_type is an integer type field in database and it has values from 1 to 4 according to FEEDBACK_TYPE values. In view I am showing feedback type with Feedback::FEEDBACK_TYPE[feedback.feedback_type]. Can I implement search in my model by FEEDBACK_TYPE string values typing for example "wishes" in search form? Thanks for any help.
Did not actually try this but following should work:
define_index do
indexes "case feedback_table_name.feedback_type
when 1 then 'found cheaper'
when 2 then 'complaints'
when 3 then 'wishes'
when 4 then 'other'
end", :as=>:feedback_type
has created_at, updated_at
set_property delta: true