I'm using KKInput from kobold2d to do some drag and drop using the panning Gesture recognizer. When the iphone is flat on the table it works perfectly, but if I tilt the phone towards me the translation seems completely wrong and no longer behaves normally, in fact it seems to think my IPhone is upside down I think.
Am I doing something wrong?
Sample code:
if([input gesturePanBegan])
for( CCSprite* item in self.View.children )
bool result = [input isAnyTouchOnNode:item touchPhase: KKTouchPhaseAny];
if (result)
itemPanning = item;
originalPostion = item.position;
CCLOG(@"%f y translation %f x translation", input.gesturePanTranslation.y , input.gesturePanTranslation.x);
if(itemPanning != NULL)
[itemPanning setPosition:ccp(input.gesturePanTranslation.x + originalPostion.x, originalPostion.y)];
if(input.gesturePanTranslation.x > 70)
[View Select: [itemPanning tag]];
SelectAttackCommand * command = [SelectAttackCommand new];
command.SelectedAttack = [itemPanning tag];
itemPanning = NULL;
else if(![input gesturePanBegan] && itemPanning != NULL)
itemPanning = NULL;
[View Open];
This is an answer, but maybe not the best one. In KKInputGesture, under handlePanGesture, the values for translation is calculated as follows:
gesturePanTranslation = [panRecognizer translationInView:glView]; gesturePanTranslation = [self convertRelativePointToGL:gesturePanTranslation];
the second call here translates a value based on the orientation of the device. this may be fine for some scenarios, but in my case it wasn't needed so I commented it out, now my translation values are always correct regardless of how I tilt the IPhone.
I may be missing something here though, so I don't want to mark this as the answer just yet.