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Convert SpatialLinesDataframe with multiple line elements to KML in R

I try to convert a spatial object (a river retrieved from OSM) with multiple lines to KML. For an object with a single line it is easy with kmlLine. However, with multiple lines the below approach is not working and my attempts to adapt the example from the documentation were in vain:

# get OSM data:

salzach <- get_osm(relation(408582), full = T)
sp_salzach <- as_sp(salzach, what = "lines")

# convert to KML:
kmlLine(sp_salzach, "salzach.kml", lwd = 3, col = "blue", name = "Salzach")
In kmlLine(sp_salzach, "salzach.kml", lwd = 3, col = "blue", name = "Salzach") :
  Only the first Lines object with the ID '23633534' is taken from 'obj'

# shell.exec("salzach.kml")


  • As it says in the Details of ?kmlLine, if you provide a spatialLinesDataFrame as first argument, it will use only the first element of the spatialLinesDataFrame object. Since

     [1] 23633534

    this is the Lines object with the above ID, therefore the warning. sp_salzach contains 74 Lines objects, not 1. If you want to apply kmlLines to each of these lines you would need to do sth. like this:

    for( i in seq_along(sp_salzach) ) {
        kmlLine(sp_salzach@lines[[i]], kmlfile = paste0("salzach", i, ".kml"), 
                lwd = 3, col = "blue", name = paste0("Salzach", i))

    This will create 74 .kml files in your working directory, one for each Lines object in sp_salzach, although I'm not sure if this is what you want.


    If you don't adapt the name in each iteration, you get all lines in one file, at least if opened with google earth it seems to work, i.e.:

    for( i in seq_along(sp_salzach) ) {
            kmlLine(sp_salzach@lines[[i]], kmlfile = "salzach.kml", 
                    lwd = 3, col = "blue", name = "Salzach")