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How to bypass Internet Explorer Enhanced Security when using embedded WebBrowser control?

i have a native Windows application that embeds the WebBrowser, i.e.

  • CLSID_WebBrowser
  • 8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2
  • Shell.Explorer.2

Unfortunately, when running on Windows Servers, the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security mode interferes with the WebBrowser control, causing it to not render at all:

enter image description here

In this case, the UI of the software is driven as a WebBrowser control - making the software unusable.

i could disable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security mode, but that is not practical.

How can i instruct Internet Explorer browser to allow an embedded browser to render without the security dialog?

Note: i would have suggested adding about:security_Application.exe to the Trusted Zones list"

enter image description here

Sadly, that will require DRP/FRP validation, an ISO security assessment, and the security group will have to be called in to make the change. In addition, an RFC will need to be created so KPMG won't have hissy-fit next audit. i was hoping for the "good" solution.

See also


  • You can specify a different URL. For example you can extract the content to a temp file and navigate to it. This will not put your content in the trusted zone, but it is better than the internet zone you get for the about protocol.

    If you do not want to save the content, you can first navigate to about:blank, then in DocumentComplete, QI the document for IPersistMoniker, and call Load with a TInterfacedObject that basically simulates a url moniker.

    1. The IMoniker.GetDisplayName implementation needs to return the URL. The url needs to be in a trusted zone.
    2. IMoniker.BindToStorage implementation needs to send back a reference to a TMemoryStream when IStream is asked.

    There's a third way, write a process-wide security manager that puts your url in a trusted zone.

    The solution is to implement your own Internet Security Manager service creating an object that implements IInternetSecurityManager (see MSDN: Implementing a Custom Security Manager). There are five security zones:

    • Intranet: URLZONE_INTRANET (1)
    • Trusted: URLZONE_TRUSTED (2)
    • Internet: URLZONE_INTERNET (3)
    • Restricted: URLZONE_UNTRUSTED (4)

    The only method you really need to worry about is MapUrlToZone:

    TEmbeddedSecurityManager = class(TInterfacedObject, IInternetSecurityManager)
       function MapUrlToZone(pwszUrl: LPCWSTR; out dwZone: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult; virtual; stdcall;

    This method checks if the Url starts with about:security


    and if so, returns that the zone should be Local:

    function TEmbeddedSecurityManager.MapUrlToZone(pwszUrl: LPCWSTR; out dwZone: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD): HResult;
        url: UnicodeString;
        Result := INET_E_DEFAULT_ACTION;
        url := pwszUrl;
            When IE Enchanced Security is enabled, the url goes from 
            In that case we will put the page in the "Local" zone
        if url.StartsWith('about:security') then
            dwZone := URLZONE_LOCAL_MACHINE; //Local
            Result := S_OK;

    Every other method must return INET_E_DEFAULT_ACTION (i.e. not S_OK nor E_NOTIMPL), e.g.:

    function TEmbeddedSecurityManager.SetSecuritySite(Site: IInternetSecurityMgrSite): HResult;
        Result := INET_E_DEFAULT_ACTION;

    You give the embedded WebBrowser this service when it calls IServiceProvider.QueryService. In the case of Delphi's TEmbeddedWB control, it is exposed in the OnQueryService event:

    function TForm1.EmbeddedWBQueryService(const rsid, iid: TGUID; out Obj: IInterface): HRESULT;
        sam: IInternetSecurityManager;
        Result := E_NOINTERFACE;
        //rsid ==> Service Identifier
        //iid ==> Interface identifier
        if IsEqualGUID(rsid, IInternetSecurityManager) and IsEqualGUID(iid, IInternetSecurityManager) then
            sam := TEmbeddedSecurityManager.Create;
            Obj := sam;
            Result := S_OK;