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Issue with Express sessions and fs module'/register', express.BodyParser(), function (req, res){

   var newu = new UserModel({});

   newu.user = req.body.nuser;
   newu.pass = req.body.npass;
   newu.mail = req.body.nmail;

   var pathu = __dirname + '/users/' + req.body.nuser; (err, newu){

       req.session.user = new.user;

       if(err) throw err;

       fs.mkdir(pathu, function (err){

           if (err) throw err;





Always when the fs.mkdir is executed, I lose all the current Express' sessions, is there any way to execute fs.mkdir and keep all the Express' sessions?


  • Not sure how it's causing your symptoms, but this line:

    req.session.user = new.user;

    should likely be:

    req.session.user = newu.user;


    The root of the problem is that creating the directory is triggering nodemon to restart the app and the default in-memory session store loses all sessions when that occurs. The fix is to use a persistent session store like Redis via connect-redis.