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How can i test the existence of a function in Dart?

Is there a way to test the existence of a function or method in Dart without trying to call it and catch a NoSuchMethodError error? I am looking for something like

if (exists("func_name")){...}

to test whether a function namedfunc_nameexists. Thanks in advance!


  • You can do that with mirrors API :

    import 'dart:mirrors';
    class Test {
      method1() => "hello";
    main() {
      print(existsFunction("main")); // true
      print(existsFunction("main1")); // false
      print(existsMethodOnObject(new Test(), "method1")); // true
      print(existsMethodOnObject(new Test(), "method2")); // false
    bool existsFunction(String functionName) => currentMirrorSystem().isolate
    bool existsMethodOnObject(Object o, String method) => reflect(o).type.methods

    existsFunction only tests if a function with functionName exists in the current library. Thus with functions available by import statement existsFunction will return false.